CVCE Curriculum
We offer a Bible-based, non-denominational curriculum that makes learning fun for kids.
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Most of us are acquainted with mouth-sizzling hot sauce, especially those of us who like Mexican food. Now listen to this: God loves hot sauce, and wants us to be like it. You see, tasteless, fizzles, cold Christianity makes God sick. He just can’t stand it. In fact, he’d rather you be ice cold any day instead of lukewarm every day. Don’t be distasteful to God. Tickle His taste buds by being a faithful follower of Jesus each day. Make a commitment today to trust in Jesus alone as Savior and Lord! Being Hot Sauce for the One True Boss of the entire universe is the only cool way to live!
Life is like the game of baseball. The goal is to get around all the bases and score a run. But every batter is up against nine players on the opposite team who will try hard to get him or her out. When Paul and Silas talked to believers, they reminded everyone that life, like baseball, is full of opposition. If you’re going through a difficult time, God hasn’t left you. In fact, it’s a sure sign that He loves you. Huh? You see, God allows all the players on His team to go through hard times. This is so we will learn to depend on His grace – His kindness and help – to get us from base to base. Receive God’s grace. It’s the only way to get to home base (Heaven). For by Grace I am saved through Faith. I Need Grace to Reach Home Base!
Jesus Part 2
There are so many ups and downs in life that we all feel like quitting sometimes. How about you? Are you facing something that feels so hard you don’t think you can follow God over that next hill? Please don’t quit. But do think about Jesus. As He followed God to the Cross to die for our sins, He thought about quitting. But He didn’t. He kept on looking to God for the strength to take one more step and climb one more hill. And God ironed out the way before Him. Then God made Him strong like iron so nothing could keep Him from following God’s plan. Such “iron-will” strength is supernatural. It only comes from God. He gave it to Jesus. And He wants to give it to you. Don’t quit. Trust God. He has a wonderful surprise for you, just over that next hill. I Have the Iron Will to Follow God Over Any Hill!
Jesus Part 1
The Bible is one huge picture-book story about the glory of God. It paints picture after picture of the great things God did to bring glory to His name. To give someone glory simply means to bring honor to that person. When we follow God’s ways, we honor Him and give Him glory. But the greatest picture-book story about the glory of God is Jesus. Everything He said and did while He lived on earth is a perfect picture of the one true God-because Jesus is God! Would you like to get to know God better? If so, just keep reading His book and following the pictures. Jesus is the Picture Book Story of God’s Amazing Glory!
After you do something that isn’t right, do you wonder if you’re still a member of God’s family? Everyone who believes in Jesus needs to know that Satan can’t pull you away from your forever family. No one, no how, no way can separate you from the love of God. Not even your own sin. Before you placed your faith in Christ, you were like a kite on the ground with no strength to fly. Then it was as if Jesus picked you up, tied a long unbreakable string around your heart, and set you aloft. He’ll never let you go. He permanently holds you tight. So enjoy the flight. You’re on your way up, up, up to heaven, and that’s worth hollering about with everything you’ve got. God’s Love Holds Me Tight Like a Kite! He Will Never Let Go!
This baby, baby Jesus was sent by God. His mother’s name was Mary. His Father was God Himself. This baby was the Son of God. He is perfect and without sin. He came to earth to save us from our sins! The one who made Heaven and earth and everything in it! Here to save us! That is pretty amazing!! Now Jesus’ birth is celebrated ALL over the world! Happy Birthday Jesus!
Man Part 1
Suppose you are in a “Long Jump” challenge. A goal line has been set. Everyone in the challenge tries their best to reach the goal. During the competition everyone falls short of the goal line. Do you think that if you had a bigger running start, you would be able to reach the mark? What about if you practiced more? Do you think you would have reached the mark then? Even with a bigger running start and more time to practice, you still would not have reached the mark. The goal line was simply impossible to reach. The goal line is like God’s standard of perfection. That is a high standard! It represents living a perfect life and being a perfect person. It is obvious that we all fall short of the perfection line.
Heaven Part 2
Suppose your best friend gives you a really expensive gift, like a new bike or video game system. Should you reach into your pocket for some money to help pay for it? Or should you offer to work for it? Maybe you can do some of your friend’s chores. What an insult that would be! If you pay for it or work for it, it’s not a gift anymore. In the same way, we can’t pay for or work our way to heaven. God offers heaven - eternal life - to you and me as a gift!
Heaven Part 1
Think back on all of the gifts that you have received in your lifetime. What was your favorite gift? Who gave it to you? Why did you receive it? Was it Christmas, your birthday, a reward for good grades? Why was it your favorite? There are some good gift-givers and then there are some gift-givers who try really hard but usually get you something that you don’t really like. Did you know that God is a gift-giver too? If you think you get good gifts from the gift-givers in your life, they’re nothing compared to the gift that God has for you. If you accept God’s gift, and if you believe in Jesus, you’re plugged in to God’s plan. And He will never unplug you.
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