Want To Donate to Chino Valley Released Time?
Your gift paves the way for a child who may not attend church to learn about Jesus.
Why Should You Donate?
Our staff is composed of parents, grandparents and community members from the local church who volunteer their time to share the Bible with 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. We rely on donations to provide biblical resources to students and operate our mobile classroom, affectionately called the Bible Bus. It only costs $50 to sponsor a child for the whole school term, which runs from October to April.
Your gift paves the way for a child who may not attend church to learn about Jesus. Once students graduate from our program, we give them a Bible of their own so that they can continue learning and growing in their faith. All thanks to the generosity of people like you!
Send A Donation Your Way
Please contact your financial institution for assistance.
Or Send A Tax-Deductible Gift To:
PO Box 207, Chino Hills CA 91709